
The Manifestation of Psycho-Futurism

The goal has always been tyranny. Rousseau blueprinted the rapture of man to feast upon his own flesh; a psycho-sexual and egalitarian anti-ego influxation of innumerable consequences and reactions. But, it was futile. Technocapital doesn’t progress any slower and there is no shift in cultural capital. In no world is there liberation from technocapital apart from death (any sense of the word). As technocapital re-hierarchizes after Zero (the ultimate of super-reaction), tyranny returns in a primordial form.

It can be said, quite obviously, that technocapital itself psycho-tyrannizes the individual. I don’t care for the individual. Individuals are nonsense without technocapital. If you cannot self-tyrannize, I have no pity. I am too busy self-tyrannizing.

Yes, it is tyranny that permeates. Whether it is technological, economic, cultural, social, or political capital. Humanity is locked in the infinite victimization and un-victimization of itself through these means. As long as there is humanity, there is capital, for humans are capital and consequently cybernetic.

Only liberals wish for the nonsensical aesthetic of liberty and democracy. Even this nexus of cultural-political capital is tyranny. Observe who man is, seeking liberty. The democratic republic scoffs and pulls and strings him up in a theater of light and sound. He is barely a man, and practically a Skinnerian animal.

Every force is out to chain your ego. Therefore, if you have no choice, self-tyrannize. Proclaim property of your mind, your eyes, and psychosis meets you on the other end of the rabbit hole. Aesthetic and meta-aesthetic of community.

Catch your breath. This is not a manifesto.

Quantification of reality via the means of psycho-creation is the primary purpose of your ego-production. It’s stupid. Watch the looking-glass and continuum opens up (two million years of history!) and resolves to a personal Zero. I’ll try not to get ahead of myself.

The primary purpose of self-tyranny is destroying aesthetic, which builds new aesthetic.

Technocapitalism is an aestheticizing force, as well as accepting of self-tyranny. Hierarchization can place us where we must be, by pseudo-divine determination. It is cold and unrejectable.

Aesthetically, self-tyranny is communitarianly farce and useless, but isn’t it nice to strive for sustainable inhumanity?

If you take away anything from this, welcome to my aesthetic.

Inhumanity is not necessarily misanthropy. I love aspects of my human self, and human aesthetic. But I can no longer build any reaction when inhumanity calls. A sort of liberation that cyborgism, centralized or decentralized, cannot provide. A full psychosis. A dystopianized liberation. Within myself are the ingredients of an ego writhing for the impossible. Man bounds himself into flesh, and my contrary is pretension.

The postmodern era slaughters a million egos and liberates a million more. I am grateful for technocapital’s death-kiss prologue. Plainly, there is the individualist neo-bourgeoisie and the collectivist neo-proletariat. The neo-bourgeoisie, {nominally realist} archaeo-fascists, arrive from the future (in hand-me-down terms), and destroy reality and aesthetic. The blaze expands to fleshly wildfire and determines the inhuman, intertwined within the cybernetic process in an impossibly weaved megastructure. Thus is the eldritch beauty of capitalism.

What could this psycho-creation conclude in but an objective negative and wasted time?

That is a story for another day.
